Storm vs Blades, News, Novice Tri-County Chargers, U9 (Novice), 2012-2013 (Mooretown Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2012-2013 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Jan 27, 2013 | mcoene | 1042 views
Storm vs Blades
Coming off a tough road loss in Petrolia, the Storm would try and regroup against a tough Blenheim squad. Trevor Anderson would mark a start with the team filling in for the skates of Turner and Hagan.

Par for the course, Mooretown would come out with all guns firing. In the first 90 seconds, the team would get on the board first with a rebound goal from Hardick resulting from a wire shot by Coene. All teammates were playing their positions well controlling the puck and keeping it away from the worthy opponent. Ferguson would add to the scoreboard late in the period to extend the lead to 2-0.

Mooretown would slack off a bit in the second allowing Blenheim to take control of the game. Even so, the period would go scoreless and the Storm would kill the Blades power play opportunity. Petrie would come up big with the save of the game and use that to put some fire in the pants of the players in front of him to get going and mark a win.

Twenty seconds into the third, Priddle would feed Carter Foster who would make no mistake and net one to extend the Storm lead. The Blades would counter back to notch a goal that would close the gap but would be a man down as they headed to the box resulting from some shoving after the whistle. The Storm would not convert on the PP and would kill off their own PK later in the frame. Mooretown was playing well defensively stopping the Blades from getting too close to Petrie who was holding his own between the pipes showcasing his skill.  With less than four minutes left, Coene would stickhandle into the Blades’ zone and fire a blistering wrist shot that would hit the twine to make it a 4-1 game. Priddle would another nice goal in the dying minutes while Blenheim would not give up getting another of their own to make it a 5-2 game.

Mooretown’s sharp teamwork would get them the win. All hands were on deck and had come to play. The forwards put up the goals and the defense core was solid with Petrie backstopping their first playoff win.  Good job to all.


1. Hardick (Coene, Ferguson)

2. Ferguson

3. Foster (Priddle)

4. Coene (MacLean, Priddle)

5. Priddle